
Oakland-Wawanesa has various organizations and community groups in which you can get involved with.
Most of these organizations benefit the community by helping to support both the residents and the community itself.

Do you represent an organization that’s not listed below, or just looking for more information in genreal? You can contact the Municipal Office at 204-824-2666 or 204-824-2244.







Organization Contact Person Contact Info
Alcoholics Anonymous Carl G 204-824-2401
Community Development Darcy Wilton 204-824-2343
Community In Bloom Mavis Brown 204-824-2413
Community Foundation Bruce Gullett 204-824-2313
Curling Club Derek McGregor 204-721-1284
Souris River Recreation Dustin Brown 204-724-3988
Wawa Game & Fish S. Cory
T. Sowiak
Hall Board Marlene Cory
Hope Rebekah Lodge Bev Daymond 204-824-2429
Katie's Cottage
Wawanesa Womens Club Melanie Lane 204-824-2448
Lions Club Jaye Smale 204-824-2722
Minor Sports Derrick Shearer 204-824-2764
Museum Board Margaret Brown 204-724-6389
New Horizons Board Shirley Patterson 204-824-2302
Wawanesa Waterpark Dustin Brown 204-824-3988
Rifle Club Brian Rice 204-824-2125
School Sports Brent Hauser 204-483-6298
Seniors Independent Services
Lorna Kincaid
Jan McDonald (Equip Rentals)
Tri Lake Busters Kelly Martin 204-824-2236
UCW Margaret Brown 204-824-2766
Wawa&Area Donor's Choice Muriel Boake 204-824-2092