
Located in the Wawanesa Community Park and Campground, this modern facility boasts a five lane Junior Olympic pool, a lazy river water feature with internal seating, zero depth entry, spray toys, a diving board and twin racer speed slide! It offers a variety of programming, including public swim, Red Cross swimming lessons, aqua fit, lap swim, private rentals and more.

Fast Facts

The waterpark opened its doors to the public on July 18, 2011 and later celebrated a grand opening on August 29 with a "noodle-cutting” ceremony. It was attended by local government, members of the building committee and volunteer board members, and included an evening dinner and street dance. The previous swimming pool opened in 1980 and included a junior Olympic sized pool and separate wading pond. It was built by the Lion’s Club and then turned over to a volunteer pool board. The last day of operation for this facility was August 2010; demolition began soon thereafter.

The operation of the waterpark is overseen by a volunteer board. During the summer months it is managed by a paid staff that includes lifeguards, maintenance personnel and office staff.

Wawanesa Waterpark Public Swim Hours and Rates - 2024 


For further information, please contact:
Wawanesa Waterpark
PO Box 278
Wawanesa, MB R0K 2G0
Phone 204-824-2223
Rene Gullett 
Recreation Programmer